Class/Camp Registration
August 2024 Mini-Session Registration started May 27, 2024
We have moved! Our programs are once again being held at 1540 Fanshawe Park Rd West. We look forward to seeing you there! Showing Junior Jumpers (4 and 5 years)
Please note: 4-year-olds who still require a parent/guardian for support during class either on the equipment or to follow along with a structured class independently are strongly encouraged to register for a Kindergym class (which is structured for 3 AND 4-year-olds). Your child will jump for joy with this class! Junior Jumpers is a class for children aged 4 & 5 to develop their fine and gross motor skills as well as their body awareness in a safe and exciting environment. They will have a lot of fun doing gymnastics on our bars, beams, spring floor and tumble track. This class is 60 minutes long.
Junior Jumpers (4 and 5 years)

Junior Jumpers (4 and 5 years)

Online Registration Closed

August 2024 Mini-Session Registration started May 27, 2024
We have moved! Our programs are once again being held at 1540 Fanshawe Park Rd West. We look forward to seeing you there! Showing Junior Jumpers (4 and 5 years)
Please note: 4-year-olds who still require a parent/guardian for support during class either on the equipment or to follow along with a structured class independently are strongly encouraged to register for a Kindergym class (which is structured for 3 AND 4-year-olds). Your child will jump for joy with this class! Junior Jumpers is a class for children aged 4 & 5 to develop their fine and gross motor skills as well as their body awareness in a safe and exciting environment. They will have a lot of fun doing gymnastics on our bars, beams, spring floor and tumble track. This class is 60 minutes long.
Junior Jumpers (4 and 5 years)

Online Registration Closed

Junior Jumpers (4 and 5 years)

Online Registration Closed

Junior Jumpers (4 and 5 years)

Junior Jumpers (4 and 5 years)

Junior Jumpers (4 and 5 years)




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